
「マシュー君」 は悪霊である 3

スザンヌ: 今まで、宇宙飛行士の誰かが月に着陸したことがあったのかしら?  それとも、幾つかのレポートが主張しているように、あれらの月面着陸は偽物(フェイク)だったのかしら?
マシュー: 本物と「偽物」の両方の着陸がありました。着陸した宇宙飛行士たちは高度な文明の証拠を見、そして、見たものを決して口外しないようにと脅されました。そして、あなた方のスペース・ファミリーからあなた方の諸政府に「月を軍事前哨基地とすることはできない」とのメッセージが届いたのです。
March 13, 2005
S: Did any astronauts ever land on the moon or have those landings been faked, as some reports claim?
10. MATTHEW: There have been both actual and “faked” landings. The astronauts who did land saw evidence of advanced civilizations and were threatened never to reveal what they had seen, and the message from your space family has gotten through to your governments that the moon cannot be a military outpost.
「governments」は「諸政府」で良かったのか?  まあいいか。
私は最近、1940〜50年代に聖母マリアの名を騙ってカトリック界に現われた悪霊 ----- 「すべての民の御母」 ----- について調べていたが、その霊も、幻視者にアポロの月面着陸らしきものを見せたものである。その出現を信じている人達は、実際、それを「 “聖母” がアポロの月面着陸を予言(映像によって)したもの」と解釈している。しかしそれは違う。悪霊が嘘に嘘を重ねただけである。形而上的な嘘(信仰に関する嘘)に形而下的な嘘を重ねただけである。
飄平さんは、完全にかどうかは知らぬが、ほぼ、アポロの月面着陸は捏造であると考えている人である。 参照1  参照2



She calls Jesus Christ “the Prince of the world”.
The Lady of All Nations
“And now I speak to the men of this world. I say to them: from you, men, has to come the strength and the will to lead the world to the sole Prince of this world, the Lord Jesus Christ.”  -  33rd MESSAGE - May 31, 1951
But, “the prince of the world” means “Satan”
in the wording of the Holy Bible.
From records of exorcism
June 18, 1977

EXORCIST: Say what you have to say, in the name of Jesus, of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and in the name of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar!

BEELZEBUB: (He sighs) There is a book... it has already been on the market for a number of years. It is called (he moans): “The Lady of All Nations.” We have claimed that it originated from a privileged soul, who, moreover, had suffered much. We mixed many good things into it, in particular about famine, war and catastrophes. The freemasons are not afraid to use the name of the Cross in order to harm the rest of the people. The Great Lady up there has never said that it was now necessary to accept the novelties, that it was necessary to go along with one's times, that Heaven wanted things so...
    The book comes from Amsterdam: read it right through once. The little picture that goes with it is displayed in many churches. On it these words appear: “Send now your Spirit etc...” and, at the end: “Deign, O lady of all Nations, who was formerly Mary, to be our Advocate”. This last sentence should give food for thought. “Who was formerly...” She is not that any more? We, together with the freemasons, turned that phrase. It was a great success for us. They have copied details in certain lives of the saints, thinking it necessary to finish it off with something analogous. But, at the same time, they have always laid stress on the Church that must draw nearer to Modernism. We have even succeeded in getting it published with an imprimatur. (He laughs) Ha! Ha! We have really “finished it off” with that!
    Besides, nearly always in the book, it speaks of “The Lady”, not “The Mother of God, or any other similar title. And on the picture: “Was formerly Mary”. Ha! Ha! “Was formerly”, for the Church which no longer believes in Her.
    For many, she was that once - for those who question her virginity, and do not want... there to be a Hell. We often mimic what you do for your Church. Often, too, we mimic the privileged souls. With our wise heads, we are successful in many things.
Making light of the records of exorcism is approximately equal with making light of the power which priests (exorcists) receive from God.
You must read also Anneliese Michel.
The Lady of All Nations - Amsterdam Apparition
She is a goddess of Religious Globalism.
She is not the Blessed Virgin Mary at all.
She is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Don't be deceived.
The Lady of All Nations
This picture is partly joke and partly truth.
But, anyway, it's a fact that she encouraged “Change” very eagerly.
“A lot, however, has to be changed in the Church. The formation of priests will have to be changed: a more modern formation, suited to the times, yet good, in the good spirit. (…) Very much has to be changed in the formation.”
“A better formation, keeping pace with the times, more up-to-date, more social.”
“But move with the times and insist upon your modern changes concerning religious, priests, seminarians, and so on and so forth. Keep an eye on that. Carry through with it to the smallest detail!”
She only encouraged “Change”.
She did not give any advance warnings of possible harmful effects from changing.  Truly, she said nothing about that.
Therefore, she cannot be the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Obviously.
One of the harmful effects.   - Liturgical Abuses -
Liturgical Abuses
There is no conclusion except this.
The Lady of All NationsThe Lady of All Nations
The Lady of All Nations
Do you know that the devil is a master of psychological warfare?
Your eyes are being led (misled, deceived).
I did not say about other Marian apparitions.
I believe in Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette and some other apparitions.
I said only about the Lady of All Nations, here.
Please be cautious.  Please reconsider.
* * *
By the way, what's this?
A prayer card
The Lady of All Nations as Our Lady of Kalasin
The Lady of All Nations as Our Lady of Kalasin
My interpretation
The Lady of All Nations as Our Lady of Kalasin
The Lady of All Nations as Our Lady of Kalasin
The Lady of All Nations as Our Lady of Kalasin
The Lady of All Nations as Our Lady of Kalasin
The Lady of All Nations as Our Lady of Kalasin
It appears like this to my eyes.
This prayer card might not have been made by Catholics.
However, I think, birds of a feather flock together.


「すべての民の御母」 は悪霊である

「すべての民の御母」 は悪霊である
NASA ≒ フリーメイソン
「すべての民の御母」 は悪霊である
NASA ≒ フリーメイソン
「すべての民の御母」 は悪霊である
The Lady of All Nations - Amsterdam Apparition
The Lady of All Nations as Our Lady of Kalasin
The Lady of All Nations as Our Lady of Kalasin
