
Satan's Answers to the exorcist by Gaspare Bullinger (18/22)

Regarding Abortion

      Nero: The abortion is homicide, it is always homicide no matter in what month it takes place. The soul in the embryo does not come to the presence of God, it arrives up there, in Heaven but cannot have the beatific vision because it had no baptism.

      Lucifer: the children not born can be baptized.

      Judas (at a question of the Exorcist concerning the abortion's laws, answered): We were all there (at Bonn, when the law was passed). The whole hell was there: and this was done marvelously well by us!!
      They no longer know where they will end!
      All of them have no longer time, the people.
      They do not know any longer what is up there and what is down there!

      Exorcist: Are there many the men who commit homicide?
      Judas: Yes, this is the way to their ruin.


      We know from Scripture that from the instant of conception a child is alive. As soon as the Virgin Mary answered affirmatively at the message of the Archangel- “Behold the handmade of the Lord, be done unto me according to your word.” She conceived from the Holy Spirit.”
      As the narration continues Mary went in haste to see her cousin St. Elizabeth who was with child. Elizabeth, inspired by the Holy Spirit greeted the Virgin Mary: “Who am I that the Mother of my Lord should come to visit me?” Therefore Mary did not become mother of Jesus after birth, but at the instant of conception.”
      The word used today in the Bible, she was pregnant should not be used, instead “Blessed” should be used. The incarnation of the Son of God was, in fact, the greatest blessing for humanity.
      With abortions, the embryos are killed. These innocent victims reach heaven. We may believe that with the baptism of desire they could be admitted to the beatific vision and therefore perfect happiness, as well as the children who are born dead. Every person can administer this sacrament pronouncing the right words.